I've spent most of the weekend reading about F-stops, aperture settings and shutter speed amongst other things and I can appreciate why a lot of people go right off DSLR camera's straightaway but thankfully I was well versed in some of these terms before I bought the camera so knew what to expect. For most people point and shoot is so simple it leads you to think that anyone can pick up an SLR and voila..........instant results. Not the case as I soon found out, I took some shots on auto and then fired it on to manual just out of curiosity, let's just say David Bailey is safe for a few years yet but don't worry I'll be hot on his heels soon enough! In the meantime I've switched back to the 'A' setting for now and have been experimenting with the settings. I've also realised that big F number = smaller aperture and small F number = larger aperture. Here endeth my teachings because I am after all a beginner in the field of photography. I also took myself on a short nature trail at lunchtime today and managed to capture a few shots down beside the Six Mile Water here in Antrim.

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