Saturday, 12 March 2011

Sunset Station, Las Vegas

One of my favourite locations in Las Vegas. I've been spurred on this morning to get more of my old Vegas Pics posted onto my blog. This one was shot on the old compact camera but still brings back some lovely memories. Talking of which, we made a point of visiting the Sahara during our last trip and I've just learnt today that it is set to close now this year, sad times - the recession still continues! Here's the full article - Sahara Closure.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Wartime Living History Association

A big thanks to the guys from the WLHA for taking time out to visit Antrim Camera Club. Here's a small selection of images that I captured on the night. If you're interested in what these guys get up to then visit their site here - Wartime Living History Association