It's been a while since I've posted any Vegas related patter but I'm always keeping an eye on what is going on over there. A couple of recent updates from the big city in the Silver State include the sad news that the Liberace Museum closed it's doors with the inevitable loss of jobs. Following on from that The Plaza , right next to the world famous Fremont Street, has also decided to call last orders which is unfortunately another sorry tale for some 400 employees.The recession, it seems, is never-ending no matter how the politicians and financial analysts play it up but that's another saga in itself ; check this article out - Vegas Decline , it's definitely something to ponder. Anyway before I digress, for the Back to the Future aficionado's you'll maybe remember the Plaza from the cult movie as it was the hotel that was the model for Biff's Casino(Back to the Future II to be exact), the Back to the Future series was one of a kind and no matter how many times you watch them are still brilliant...the old DeLoreans from this neck of the woods have more of a cult status now in America than they ever did before John got in trouble with the law.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Cushendun, The Antrim Coast
It's been years since I've been to Cushendun so off we headed with limited supplies onboard not realising just how difficult it would be to get a chip in this neck of the woods. Halfway up the mountain my son woke up and when he posed the inevitable "where are we?", our daughter quickly retorted "looking for a bloomin chip shop!". It didn't all end in tears as the local mace came to the rescue but we managed to get a few nice pictures before the typical inclement weather decided to spoil the party.

Coloured Bottles
The Fridge
I'm just sorting out my images from the last few days to get the updated on to the blog but I was having a play about with photoshop this morning and it's amazing how quickly you can turn a simple image like a fridge door handle into something completely different. Enough messing for now, must get some proper pics uploaded!

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